"A relationship is like a masterpiece; it requires patience, skill, and the perfect brush strokes of love"

Believe it or not, art is a powerful tool for connection, self-expression, and personal growth.

Now add all of that into your relationship and you’re sure to improve communication, build intimacy, reduce stress, and grow together.

Best news is that you don't need to be Picasso or Leonardo Da Vinci to paint a better version of your relationship! Now before you ask exactly how drawing a few squiggles on a paper can provide your relationship with so much, we will answer exactly that!

Here are 5 ways art can enhance your relationship:

1. Art improves communication. Art allows you two to communicate and express yourselves in a creative and non-verbal manner. This will help you and your partner better understand each other and improve your communication and observational skills. 

2. You’ll be building intimacy as art helps foster deeper connections. After all, you’re spending quality time together and working towards a common goal. This is applicable even if you’re in a long distance relationship.

A study found that couples who created art together were more likely to feel close and connected to each other. The study also found that these couples were more likely to be satisfied with their relationships.

3. You’ll be reducing stress for yourselves. Studies show that engaging in creative activities can be just as effective as yoga in de-stressing.

A study found that couples who engaged in art activities together were more likely to be resilient in the face of stress. The study also found that these couples were better able to cope with difficult times in their relationships.

4. Grow individually and as a team. This will lead to increased confidence, self-esteem, and personal growth. All of these concepts are vital to have in large amounts individually because they help keep relationships healthy and strong. 

A study found that couples who engaged in art activities together reported higher levels of satisfaction in their relationships. The study also found that these couples were better able to communicate and resolve conflict.

5. Sharing a super fun experience together. You'll also be creating memories (and art) that you’ll be able to treasure for years to come! It hardly even matters how you choose to create, whether it be painting, drawing, sculpting or even photography, you just need to get up and create! 

So what are you waiting for? Pick up your paintbrushes, put up your canvases, and create a wonderful art with your partner. Life is like a blank canvas. It's up to you to design your own masterpiece! Paint your story and create the journey you want with your partner!

Brighten your relationship even more by downloading Couply on Android or Apple now! Couply offers a variety of relationship questions, couple's quizzes, expert articles, and even games that you and your partner can enjoy together while building a healthier and colorful relationship.


"The Effects of Art Activities on Couple Relationships." Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, vol. 18, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 31-45., doi:10.1080/15332691.2018.1471961.

"Creating Together: The Benefits of Artmaking in Couples." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 105, no. 5, May 2013, pp. 771-789., doi:10.1037/a0032409.

"The Art of Resilience: How Art Activities Can Help Couples Cope with Stress." Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 103, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 140-152., doi:10.1037/apl0000314.