It’s time we put our phones away and plan a hike!

Going on a hike together is a simple date idea, it doesn’t mean you two need to summit Mount Everest together, a simple walk around a valley or park nearby can also be called a hike!

All you really must do is set a time and date, pack some snacks and a lunch and you're all set to go! If you guys decide you want to try hiking somewhere more difficult than just be sure to pack some extra things such as bear spray (if applicable to you) and be aware of the guidelines if you are entering a national park.

Below we have made a list of some hiking must haves for you and your partner just to help assist you with the planning. 

Hiking must haves:

  • Lighter
  • Bear spray
  • Layers
  • Water bottles
  • Hiking poles
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Lip balm
  • First aid kid
  • Maps
  • Snacks

Hiking is truly a great activity because it improves your physical health through a low-impact sport and helps increase strength and flexibility. The physical benefits aside it can help reduce stress, improve mood, and even enhance overall wellbeing. It’s also a very cost friendly option and great for the environment. Lastly, it’s a great way to spend some quality time with each other.

Remember hiking is not about going the fastest on the hardest hike. Hiking is about connecting in nature and doing what’s comfortable for the both of you.

We hope you keep this date idea in mind next time you and your partner plan a date that is not only super fun but great for your health!

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