Ah yes, it’s almost that time of the year again. The time for all the couples to shine and publicly show off each other without making it look too cringe. It’s the one day dedicated to love. 

It’s almost Valentine’s day baby!

Some couples love to go all out for Valentine’s day, a fancy dinner, expensive jewelry and whatever else fancy couples love to do, I wouldn’t know, I like keeping things fun and simple. 

However, if I am being honest, I never really got the hype for Valentine’s, single or not, it’s just another day. If you want to express your love for your partner, do it every day, not just once a year. But, I digress. 

So, keeping in mind my love for games (in case you haven’t caught up on that from my previous article), here’s a couple more games but let’s make it Valentine’s day themed to honor the day. 

Why? Because games are a fun, and sometimes an exciting, way to bring you and your partner closer, maybe learn a new thing or two about each other, and what’s more romantic than spending time together and getting closer and intimate.

Let’s get into it then, shall we?

7 Valentine’s Day Games 

Valentine’s Heart Hunt Game

What’s a better valentine’s day game than a little love hunt? 

All you have to do is, both you and your partner write down in heart shaped pieces of paper a couple romantic (or sexy) activities that you like. 

Then ask your partner to hide theirs around the house (while you keep yours out of the game until the right time comes), while you spend the next 5 minutes (timed) looking for them. The hearts you find are the things your partner will have to act out for you. And then switch. 

This way, you both have fun and get a little something extra out of the game, while also making sure that the things you both have to act out are things that you are comfortable with doing since you were the ones that chose them in the first place.

A few activity ideas you can use are:

  • Kiss me (lips, cheek, neck etc.) 
  • Tell me something you love about me
  • Buy me flowers
  • Serenade me

Or if you’re on the wild side:

  • Strip for me
  • Give me head
  • Tease me
  • Spend 7 minutes in heaven with me

And you get the gist.

The point of this game is to create some suspense while getting you all excited about the things that this game will have you do.

Valentine’s Bingo Game

You have to admit, normal bingo is very boring. But Valentine’s bingo can be so exciting.

For a better experience, I suggest creating your own bingo cards with things like “kiss”, “stare into each other's eyes for a minute” and whatever other romantic stuff you can come up with, or again you can include some spicy things in there. For the markers, if you don’t have any, you can just cross over the boxes, or create your own markers by simply cutting out small hearts and placing them over the boxes while for the bingo calling card, you can simply find a spin the wheel app on your phone and include all the activities you have used on your cards.

It’s a very simple and easy game, but that doesn’t mean it can’t or it won’t make your heart flutter. Sometimes it’s the simple things you know.

Valentine’s Love Letter

You can’t go wrong with a love letter on literally the national day of LOVE.

Personally this will have to be my favorite one. Speaking as someone who sometimes struggles expressing my feelings in person while in a relationship, this would make a great opportunity to let my boyfriend know how much he means to me. And since he is also just like me and awkward with expressing his own feelings, I think this is the perfect way for the both of us. It will get us to confess to things that we normally don’t when in person, unless we have had a couple drinks, or unless we’re texting. 

So yeah, if you’re like us, then this is the perfect little game for your Valentine’s day.

Write simple words or phrases that describe each other, put them in a bowl, then take turns picking them out of the bowl and then use those to write a love letter to each other. Say all those things that you might be too awkward or simply just shy or scared to be vulnerable. There’s nothing embarrassing about confessing your feelings to your own partner. What’s it going to do? Make them love you even more? Oh no, the horror!


Valentine’s Origami Fortune Teller Game

If you’re looking for even more fun ways to get you and your partner into any romantic and/or sexy activities, then here’s one more for you. 

Just write down any romantic activities (like usual) that gives you and your partner a chance to get more intimate, and fold them into a fortune teller.

Think of this not only as an opportunity to make your day even more romantic, but also as a way to reminisce about the old days when you and your friends would gather around playing the fortune telling game. Who knows, maybe this will create the opportunity for either one of you, or both of you, to open up more and learn a few more things about each other's past and how you got to be who you are today. I love trying to find ways to learn more about my boyfriend’s past and his childhood memories, it makes me feel important and it’s a great way to build a connection!

Also, if you’re like me and you don’t know how to make an origami fortune teller, I got you covered with this simple for you to follow.

Valentine’s Love Quiz Game

What's a more simple and chill game than a valentine’s quiz game huh? All you have to do is just write down a couple of questions regarding your relationship, or you can also make them a bit more about you, and then take turns choosing a piece of paper and both of you answering the questions about each other. You can choose to use penalties and rewards for each question that gets answered right or wrong, or just choose one penalty and one reward for whoever gets the most right and wrong answers, or just simply do it for the fun of it, and maybe even learn something new about each other. Because that’s how you make connections.

If you need some help with coming up with a few questions, here’s a starter list for you.

Valentine’s Role Playing Game

And we’re back to the classic role playing game. You can’t tell me that there are actual people who don’t like that game. I honestly believe it’s a game changer, as long as you’re confident and comfortable enough with each other. Role playing is one of the best ways to spice up your relationship, explore more about each other’s kinks and bedroom fantasies. Besides, nothing else screams more love than making love. And a little tip, make a good use out of some toys, just to really enhance and bring the whole experience together. For example, if you want to go down (not literally but you can do that too if you want) the whole student and teacher route, you can use a paddle or a leather strap. OR since it’s a Valentine’s day game, dress as Cupid or wear red lingerie or find hearts that you can wear covering your ahem privates. Think out of the box, that’s what the game of role playing is all about.

Valentine’s Scavenger Hunt Game

This one is all really based on you. You are going to have to find a way to create a scavenger one for your loved one. Just make sure you include things your partner likes, like their hobbies or a place that means something to the both of you, or references or inside jokes, anything you can think of that gets them to the next clue of the hunt. The romantic part of this game can be the final destination. Again, you can just make the final destination be a place that means something to the both of you. Maybe the first place you went to for your date, or if you’re musically talented, get them somewhere where you can serenade them with their favorite song, or a picnic somewhere nice, or if you want to be fancy, get them somewhere private and romantic where you can have dinner and maybe even some dessert wink wink. Just make it as romantic as you can, it doesn’t have to be perfect, and even though sometimes in games like that things may not go exactly as planned it’s really the thought that counts. You got this. It’s actually a lot easier than it may sound.

Games like that are a few ways you can bring romance to your Valentine’s day. By spending the day getting physically and emotionally intimate with each other, your bond will be even stronger by the end of it. These games are also a fun way to spend the day if you’re unsure on what to do on Valentine’s as so many people like to put so much weight on that day. Remember that just because Valentine’s day is meant to be the day of love, doesn’t mean it’s the only day. It doesn’t have to be a perfect day. A couple that really loves each other, knows that. So there’s no pressure to make it absolutely perfect, it’s just another day. Just an extra reason to show your love and affection for each other. 

So, happy Valentine’s!

About the Author

Eirini Tsipou

Eirini Tsipou is a Content Coordinator for the Couply app. Couply was created to help couples improve their relationships. Couply has over 300,000 words of relationship quizzes, questions, couples games and date ideas and helps over 400,000 people.

Eirini Tsipou watches crime documentaries for fun, and is currently studying Bachelor’s Psychology at the University of Stirling.

You can connect with Eirini Tsipou on Instagram here or contact her through email.