How Do You Know If A Guy Has Serious Feelings for You?

Are you seeing someone and finding it difficult to understand whether they want to get serious with you or not? Do you think that you are getting mixed signals from the guy you are seeing? 

It is quite challenging to understand if someone wants to have a serious relationship with you because as people, we express our feelings and intentions in multiple different ways. Some feelings and intentions can be clearly understood, whereas other feelings and intentions can be very subtle, especially when it comes to seriousness in relationships. It is quite easy to be confused and unsure because there are many indirect signs that someone shows when they want to get in a serious romantic relationship with you. 

This article will help you understand a few signs that he wants a serious relationship with you as well as help you understand what outcomes to expect out of these signs.

How Do You Know If A Guy Wants To Be Serious With You?

There are many signs that indicate whether someone is interested in having a serious romantic relationship with you. These signs can also go from very broad to very specific, which means that some signs are very easy to understand and are reassuring that he sees you as a serious partner or potential partner, however, some signs are so simple and broad that they can be interpreted in many different ways, therefore, I would suggest you take time to think as you read through this article to see if the signs relate to the relationship between you and the person. 

Here Are 7 Signs He Wants A Serious Relationship With You:

  1. Consistency in Communication.

Communication is said to always play a key role in relationships. Before getting into a serious romantic relationship, it is always important to learn about one another more during the early stages of dating. If your potential partner is interested in getting serious with you, he would communicate more often as talking to each other helps you learn more about each other and understand each other. If he constantly asks you questions about yourself and talks about himself as well, then this could be because he is very interested in you. 

If he wants to get serious with you, you might also find him constantly communicating with you, for example, if you communicate over messaging, and he replies to your messages quickly and if there is a tone of enthusiasm in his replies, you are in luck because this shows a lot of interest! This shows that he enjoys talking to you, and of course, this is not just exclusive to messaging, this can be applied to any other forms of communication (such as phone calls or more dates) that you have with your potential partner. Consistent communication requires investing a lot of time and energy, therefore, this shows a lot of will and interest in him wanting to get serious with you.

  1. Openness and Honesty When Communicating.

As mentioned before, communication can help understand your potential partner and the relationship between you and your potential partner a lot. However, many times, communication can only be about smaller things such as talking about your day or talking about your favorite dish. This is of course, encouraged in relationships, however, communication also includes being open about serious long-term plans, being open about feelings about the relationship and the person. For example, being open and honest about how he sees a future with you, how he feels deeply for you, or/and how he wants to take your relationship to the next step. 

Openness and honesty in communication also includes him identifying and being open about problems or potential problems in your relationship, this may sound negative but it can be a positive sign for him wanting to have a serious relationship with you. This is because identifying and communicating problems or potential problems can indicate that he takes the relationship seriously and is very keen on finding solutions to these problems or potential problems rather than ignoring them, not communicating about them to you, and leaving the relationship. 

  1. Family and Friends.

If he is someone who values his family and close friends, he would definitely want to introduce you to them, which is a positive sign that he wants to get serious with you. Close friends and family are a large part of his personal life, if he is not thinking of a serious relationship with you, then he most probably would not want to spend time by introducing you to them. 

Moreover, if he is planning on introducing you, or if he already introduced you, to his family and close friends, then this means that he really cares about what you think about his family and friends, and what they think about you. This is because if he is thinking of wanting to have a serious relationship with you, having you integrate well into his family and social circle helps him understand and decide how well you would fit into his life, therefore, making you his partner.

  1. Planning Long-term.

If you often find him talking about a future that includes you, then that is a positive sign for him wanting to have a serious relationship with you. The future includes a lot of things, however, a future with you can include marriage, buying a house, wedding, starting a family, parenting,  discussing about each other’s careers and jobs, finance, income, vacations, holidays, etc. This indicates that he wants to have a serious relationship with you because talking about the future with a partner includes understanding what the other person wants, and seeing whether most of your views on marriage and so on work well together. This is something that someone would only seek for in dating when they see someone as a serious potential partner. 

  1. Is Willing to Compromise.

Compromising is understanding and agreeing to problems by making adjustments. Problems are present in any relationship, such as if both partners have different career paths or ambitions, want to marry at different times, even some things that are little such as, wanting to go to different food places, not being available for a date due to busy schedules, etc. Usually, in early stages of dating, people fear not to risk investing time and energy in compromising as it is something that takes a few sacrifices. These sacrifices could be something as little as rescheduling a day out with friends to spend more time with their partner, or something as significant as changing jobs when moving in with your partner in order to be closer to them. 

Therefore, because compromising takes a lot of effort, it is something that can be done when he is wanting a serious relationship with you. He is willing to make changes in his life because he feels like he could have a better life with you. If you often find him talking about making compromises, or if you often find him actually making compromises, then this is a positive sign that he wants a serious relationship with you.

  1. Shows Emotional Availability.

Emotions play a very important role in human relationships. In many serious companionships, we like to seek a lot of emotional support from our partners. If your partner is showing a lot of emotional support and is also showing you his emotions, then that is a positive sign for him wanting to have a serious relationship with you. This is a positive sign because he wants to show you that he is able to provide emotional support for you as it is expected in serious relationships. Emotion availability leads to him possibly having deep conversations with you as well, as deep conversations require a lot of emotional openness. Many times during early stages of dating, people prefer to not emotionally open up too much as emotional openness requires a certain level of trust in the other person, and trust is also an element of a serious romantic relationship, therefore, if he shows you emotional availability, then that could mean that he trusts you like he would trust a partner.

  1. Consistent Level of Effort.

If you find him constantly paying attention to you, putting effort into your dates, finding ways to talk to you as much as possible, give thoughtful gifts, and in general, put thought and effort into you and the relationship between you two, then you are lucky because this is a positive sign that he wants to have a serious romantic relationship with you. This is because it is likely that he is only willing to consistently put effort if he sees a potential serious relationship with you. Usually, people do not prefer putting in effort when they do not want a serious relationship as they would rather put that time and effort into other things in their life. However, if he is doing things such as planning dates with you, remembering important dates and events such as your birthday, and being there to support you, then this indicates that he wants to have a serious relationship with you.

Most importantly, you should remember that these signs of him wanting a serious relationship with you are not definitive, this is because people express their feelings in different ways. It is encouraged that you and your partner or potential partner communicate openly and honestly about wanting to get into a serious relationship, which helps you get more clarity about his intentions and plans for your relationship, and see whether they align with your intentions and plans.