I think I can talk for a lot of people when I say that AI is a pretty scary concept. It’s completely mental that there is a piece of technology that can literally answer any question you have, no matter how crazy it is. I have used AI for many things but I had never used it for my love life. Because why would I let a robot tell me what to do with my love life? I can happily report that AI has pleasantly surprised me and given me very good advice!
Couply AI Coach, What Should I Do On A First Date?

My best friend was recently asked on a date by a really cute guy, however, he said to her that he wanted HER to pick what they should do. Of course, she found herself panicked and asked me what I thought she should do with him. Now personally, I think that I am the worst person to ask for these things. I am more of a be there and find out type of girl so I naturally had no clue what to tell her. This is when AI came in clutch! I have a great relationship advice app called Couply on my phone and realized that they had just launched a new AI coach feature that allowed you to ask for relationship/dating advice to an AI coach. So, I asked my new AI couply coach for advice. All I did was ask ‘what to do for a first date’ and she gave me so many cool ideas! AN because I am kind and giving, here are the ideas that she gave me!
At first, she asked me a little bit of background about the person I was going for a first date with. I asked my friends a couple of questions about her new date and then gave the Couply AI coach a bit more background information to help her give me better advice. The AI coach then proceeded to tell me that according to the information I had given to her about the cute guy, the first date should be something that allows for deep conversations and meaningful exchanges. Some ideas that she gave me included:
A Romantic Dinner At A Cozy Restaurant
Share compliments and affirmations with each other throughout the evening.
A Sunset Picnic In The Park
Have a cute and cozy picnic and get very cozy and romantic with each other!
A Mini Scavenger Hunt
Create a fun and exhilarating scavenger hunt that can allow you to get to know each other better whilst also having fun!
Attend An Open Mic Night Together
Explore new forms of art together and discuss how each other feels about the different poetry that is read out.
Visit A Museum Or Art Exhibition
Take time to appreciate each other’s unique perspectives on different art pieces and use this as an opportunity to express admiration for each other’s insights and interpretations.
Go To A Cooking Class
Take a cooking class together to bond over a shared activity and enjoy a delicious meal at the end. It is a fun and interactive way to connect with each other!
Volunteer Together
Dedicate your date to giving back to the community by volunteering at a local charity or organization. It is a meaningful way to bond over shared values and male a positive impact!
Bookstore Or Library Date
Browse through a bookstore or library together, share your favorite reads, and maybe even pick out a book for each other to read!
Board Game Night
Host a board game night at a cozy cafe or at home. Playing games together can be a fun and lighthearted way to break the ice and have a good time!
Couply AI Coach, How Should I Ask Him Out On A Second Date?

Couply AI helped my friend out so much that her date with the cute guy was a success! But she had another problem, she didn’t know how to ask him out on a second date. Of course, she panicked and asked me, again. And as a great friend, I asked my Couply AI coach once again for some more advice, however, this time I asked how to ask a guy out on a second date. This was nice and simple and the AI coach gave me loads of ideas which I then passed onto my friend! Here are some of the ideas she gave me:
Reference your first date in a positive way.
Say something like "I had a really great time with you last week. We should do it again soon!"
Referencing the good time you had makes him more likely to say yes.
Suggest a specific idea for your next date. Don't just vaguely say "We should go out again." Name a specific activity, restaurant, show, etc. This gives him something definite to respond to. For example: "That Italian place we went to was so good. Would you want to try that new French restaurant this weekend?"
Keep it casual and low-pressure.
Saying something like "No worries if you're busy, but let me know if you'd be up for grabbing dinner sometime next week" takes the pressure off and makes it easy for him to say no thanks if he's not interested.
Follow up after suggesting plans.
Don't just ask him out and wait indefinitely for his response. Follow up in a day or two if you haven't heard back to get a definite yes or no. A message like "Hey! Just wanted to check if you had a chance to look at doing something this weekend" works well.
Suggest specific days/times if he seems interested.
If he responds positively but doesn't propose a specific plan, you can follow up with details like "Want to aim for Saturday around 7?" Floating a few options makes it easier for him to commit.
Bake him some treats.
Give them to him asking if he'd like to share them with you over dinner/coffee/etc on your next date. Adds a personal touch!
Make him a playlist of songs that remind you of your first date or that you think he'd like.
Send it to him asking what night he's free next week to get together and listen to it.
Text him.
Invite him to join you at an event coming up that you think you'd both enjoy - concert, festival, sporting event, etc. Making it an experience rather than just dinner creates excitement.
Make a cute card or write a short poem referencing an inside joke from your first date.
Mail or hand-deliver it to him, requesting a second adventure with you if he liked the first. Thoughtful!
Take a silly selfie doing an overdramatic wink or other goofy gesture.
Text it to him saying "Subtle hint that I'd love to see your cute face again soon!"
Featured on the News
Couply's AI Relationship Coach was featured on the Global Morning Show.
Try Couply AI For Yourself!
Want to ask the Couply AI coach more questions about your love life or dating life? Download the Couply App now on Google Play or the App store! Couply is a great app that can help you with your love life and your relationship (if you are in one). The Couply App is a great way for couples to find different ways to allow their relationship to flourish. But can also help single people find someone to love! The new AI feature really sets this application apart from others with a personalized coach that gives you advice based on your love language, personality and more!
About the Author

Erika is a Content Coordinator for the Couply app. Couply was created to help couples improve their relationships. Couply has over 300,000 words of relationship quizzes, questions, couples games and date ideas and helps over 400,000 people.
Erika also plays tennis, and studies at the University of Stirling.
You can connect with Erika on LinkedIn and Instagram