Bored of the same old virtual date nights? Looking to spice up your long-distance relationship with new, exciting activities you can share from afar?

You're in luck - we've got the perfect hobby ideas to bring you closer, no matter the miles between you! Stay connected across the miles with these fun virtual activities for long-distance duos!

Fun Hobbies for Long-Distance Relationships

1. Play video games online

- Play games like World of Warcraft, Fortnite, Minecraft, etc. Compete or collaborate!

- Immerse yourselves in thrilling virtual worlds together through multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft, Fortnite, and Minecraft. 

-Team up to complete daring quests, build entire civilizations, or face off in friendly competition from across the miles. 

- Gaming is an interactive and entertaining way to spend quality time bonding and making memories.

2. Learn a language together

- You can start learning new languages together and practice speaking with each other.

- Choose a new language you both want to learn, like Spanish, French, or Italian, and study together using fun, interactive apps like Duolingo (You can download Duolingo on iOS or Android

- You can even try learning each other's languages if you and your partner speak different languages!

- Complete daily lessons, quiz each other on vocabulary, and practice conversing in your new shared language over video chat. 

- This mental challenge will expand your horizons while giving you a meaningful hobby to bond over.

3. Virtual book club

- You can both join a virtual book club and read the same book. Discuss over video chat.

- Read the same thought-provoking novels, engaging biographies, or fascinating non-fiction works, then have regular video chats to discuss your reactions, analyze themes, and share perspectives. 

- Being part of a virtual book club promotes intellectual stimulation, intimate conversation, and an enriching shared activity.

4. Cook the same recipe 

-You can also cook the same recipe together over FaceTime or Google Hangouts.

- Choose delicious recipes you both want to try, then video chat while you cook the same meal in your own kitchens. 

- Experience the fun of cooking "together" from afar and enjoy a virtual dinner date after. Making and eating a dish you both prepared builds intimacy.

5. Watch Netflix together 

-Level up your Netflix marathon with browser extensions like Teleparty or Metastream. Chat while streaming. 

- Synchronize your Netflix viewing and have movie nights together from anywhere using handy browser extensions like Teleparty or Metastream. 

- Streaming and reacting to shows in real-time makes it feel like you're cuddled up on the couch. 

6. Online Painting or Drawing Class

- Join an online painting or drawing class. Follow along and share your creations.

- Take the same virtual art class and learn techniques from talented instructors. Progress your skills together by completing the same painting, drawing, or sketching lessons. 

- Share your finished pieces and creative process through video chat. Artistic hobbies inspire self-expression and new forms of connection.

7. Play Online Games 

- Play classic board games like chess, scrabble, sudoku, and crosswords together on game apps or websites. 

-Compete to see who comes out on top or collaborate on puzzles. 

-Online games make for engaged quality time and mental stimulation.

8. Take a Virtual Cooking Class

- Enroll in the same virtual cooking class to master new recipes and techniques side-by-side. 

-Learn how to make everything from cocktails to complex entrees through interactive video lessons. Discover a passion for cooking together.

9. Join Online Trivia or Escape Rooms

- Team up for virtual trivia nights or online escape rooms to put your combined knowledge to the test. 

- Work together to decipher clues, solve puzzles, and brainstorm strategies across the miles. Friendly competition builds camaraderie.

10. Jigsaw Puzzle Assembling

- Video chat while assembling jigsaw puzzles together. Makes for fun bonding.

- Assemble the same jigsaw puzzle individually while video chatting, so you can see each other's progress and collaborate to solve challenging sections across the miles. 

-This entertaining activity stimulates the mind, provides relaxing yet engaging quality time, and creates a sense of togetherness.

11. Online Dance Party

-Share playlists and have virtual dance parties together. 

- Make shared playlists featuring your favorite upbeat songs, then let loose and get moving together with virtual dance parties over video chat. Even from afar, you can have fun dancing in unison, reacting to each other's moves, and enjoying music's mood-boosting magic. 

12. Online Challenges

- Compete in online challenges and post results. Motivate each other.

- Take on a shared fitness, art, or other online challenge, then post your progress and results to motivate each other. Competing in a friendly, supportive way is a great opportunity to stay dedicated, learn new skills, and bond over a collaborative achievement.

13. Travel Planning for the Future

- Research and plan your dream trip together, keeping the excitement alive and fostering shared goals.

- Research destinations, create vision boards, build an itinerary for your dream vacation together. 

- Planning future trips gives you something fun to look forward to. Discussing hopes and logistics nurtures teamwork and shared dreams.

14. Start a Blog or Podcast Together

- Share your long-distance relationship experiences and connect with other couples facing similar challenges.  

- Co-create a blog or podcast around your long-distance relationship, offering support and wisdom to others in similar situations. 

- Bond through collaborative digital projects that make a difference. 

15. Ancestry or Family Tree Building

- Research your ancestry or build a family tree online. Discuss discoveries.

- Trace your ancestry online or build a detailed family tree. 

- Learn about your histories, discuss surprising discoveries, and grow closer through this meaningful exploration of your roots.

16. Virtual Dates

- Plan virtual dates like dinner, movie nights, concerts, trips. Get creative.

- Plan regular virtual dates to simulate experiences together - intimate dinners, concerts, museum trips, movie nights.

- Creativity and quality time can cultivate connection despite the distance.

17. Take Virtual Tours of Museums and Famous Sites 

-Walk through immersive 360 degree virtual tours of world-famous museums like The Louvre or the Guggenheim, historic sites like colonial Williamsburg, and renowned tourist attractions, all while video chatting so you can explore and react together. 

-Discover the world's treasures side-by-side from the comfort of home.

18. Do DIY Crafts 

- Get creative together by using DIY project tutorials from sites like Pinterest to each make handmade gifts, wall art, jewelry, holiday decorations, and more unique items that you can mail to each other. 

-Video chat while crafting so you can collaborate, showcase your progress, and bond over your artistic pursuits. 

19. Play Online Trivia Games 

-Download entertaining trivia, quiz, and word game apps and have regular virtual game nights where you play head-to-head over video chat. 

- Compete to test your knowledge across fun categories and stimulate your minds while laughing and making memories together from afar.

20. Do Photography Challenges

- Find online photography challenges, select ones you're both excited about, then go capture images based on the prompts and share your best shots, perspectives, and editing tips during video calls.

- Getting creative behind the lens together builds artistic skills.

-  Completing photo challenges together builds skills and artful connection.

21. Listen to Podcasts Together 

- Find engaging podcasts on shared interests to subscribe to and discuss over the phone during walks or video chats. 

- This idea is great for learning, growth, and conversation. 

- It’s important that you choose something that the two of you will enjoy!

22. Watch Live Streams of Music and Theater 

-Purchase tickets to access live stream broadcasts of concerts, plays, operas, and other performances to experience the magic together from wherever you are. 

- Video chat during the show to react in real-time, chat during intermission, and discuss your impressions of the production - it becomes a special shared event. 

- Streaming performances virtually makes the arts more accessible for couples to enjoy.

23. Compose a Song or Write a Story Together

- You can brainstorm ideas for an original song or story, taking turns adding lyrics or plot elements.

- One of you can start with a verse or scene, then the other can build on it. 

- You'll have fun being creative and seeing where your combined imaginations take you.

24. Fantasy Sports Leagues

- You can join an online fantasy league for your favorite sport and draft your own teams. 

- Throughout the season you'll set optimal lineups, make trades, and track player stats. 

- It will be exciting to see how your teams stack up and if one of you can win the league championship.

25. Start a Virtual Scrapbook

- You can make a shared online scrapbook to collect memorable photos and journal entries over time. 

- It will be meaningful to look back on special events, vacations, or everyday moments.

- You'll be creating a treasured keepsake of your friendship that you can reminisce over.

26. Guided Meditations or Yoga Sessions

- You can find guided meditation or yoga videos online and do them together virtually. Having a partner helps motivate you to dedicate this time. 

-You'll feel relaxed and centered after focusing inward. It's a healthy activity you can make a regular habit.

27. Write and Illustrate a Children's Book Together

- You can collaborate on writing and illustrating an original children's book, each taking on different parts of the creative process. 

- One of you can write the story while the other draws the illustrations.

- You'll have fun bringing an imaginative new book to life together.

28. Design Your Dream Home (virtually)

- You can use an online home design program to virtually build and customize your dream home.

- You can take turns adding rooms, choosing finishes, and selecting furnishings.

- It will be exciting to see your ideal shared living space come to life.

29. Do online couple quizzes or tests 

- You can find fun relationship quizzes and compatibility tests online and compare your results.

- You can use the Couply app. Couply is the app for couples. Couply got features like daily check-ins, personality quizzes, couples questions, and games to help you understand your partner better and also offers date ideas, gift suggestions, and relationship advice all based on your partner's personality and many more.

 -Seeing how you match up based on personality types, love languages, or other measures can provide insight. You may learn new things about each other and grow closer.

30. Build a virtual world together

- You can collaboratively build and customize your own virtual world, city, or other environment. 

- You'll have creative freedom to make something entirely unique. 

- It will be enjoyable to let your imaginations run wild as you build something special together.

With a little creativity and commitment, you can find endless ways to bond through virtual quality time. Distance is just a test for true romance - pass with flying colors through shared hobbies! Stay tuned for more tips on strengthening long-distance love! 💕