Amanda is an advocate, writer and coach. 

She leads a community of over 176,000 people with Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD has impacted Amanda's life and relationships. Everything turned around for her when she was finally diagnosed and got the support that she needed.

However... it was a journey. We cover some sensitive topics such as: chronic pain, surgeries,, a suicide attempt and mental illness.

I met Amanda as she is part of the Couply community and hearing more about her story and journey, it’s just amazing. 

Listen to learn: how to create a loving relationship with someone who has BPD, what the symptoms of BDP are and Amanda's recommendations for the best experts and courses to attend.

This is an incredibly powerful episode.

Amanda is an advocate, writer, and coach.

She leads a community of over 176,000 people with Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD has impacted Amanda's life and relationships. Everything turned around for her when she was finally diagnosed and got the support that she needed.

However... it was a journey. We cover some sensitive topics such as: chronic pain, surgeries,, a suicide attempt, and mental illness.

I met Amanda as she is part of the Couply community, and hearing more about her story and journey, is just amazing.

Listen to learn: how to create a loving relationship with someone who has BPD, what the symptoms of BPD are, and Amanda's recommendations for the best experts and courses to attend.

This is an incredibly powerful episode.

Listen to the podcast on Spotify:

Click here to open the link in your Spotify app.

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0:02:16 Community Beginnings.

0:09:30 What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

0:18:10 Amanda’s Story.

0:30:10 How does “Borderline thinking work?”

0:34:53 Why do you use Couply?

0:43:49 How to find new ways to love your partner based on personality?

0:52:43 Amanda shares how understanding personality improved her relationship