Let's be real, healthy relationships are key to living your best life. They provide us with emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. But sometimes, it can be tough to recognize when you're actually in one. Sure, the big romantic gestures are great, but it's the little things that really show you've got something special.

While these grand gestures and overt displays of affection are often celebrated, it's the subtle signs that truly reveal the depth and strength of a relationship. These understated moments and behaviors may seem insignificant at first glance, but they hold profound meaning and can serve as powerful indicators of a healthy, nurturing connection.

Let's explore these subtle signs.

1. You Feel Secure and Supported

You know that feeling when you can just be your weird, goofy self without worrying about being judged? That's a sign right there. With the right person, you can let your freak flag fly, and they'll love you for it. Like when you bust out your terrible dance moves in the kitchen, and instead of cringing, they join in without missing a beat.

Speaking of love, it's that deep sense of trust that your partner has your back, no matter what. When the going gets tough, they'll be right there by your side, lifting you up. Maybe you had a rough day at work and came home feeling down. Without you having to say a word, they know something's up and are ready to lend an ear or give you a big bear hug – whatever you need in that moment.

And let's not forget about those big dreams of yours. In a healthy relationship, your partner will be your biggest cheerleader, encouraging you to go after what you want in life. It's that constant support that really means the world. Like when you mention that crazy idea you've been toying with, instead of shooting it down, they get excited right along with you and start helping you map out a plan to make it happen.

2. You Communicate Openly and Honestly

Real talk? Communication is everything in a healthy relationship. I'm talking about being able to lay it all out there – your thoughts, feelings, needs, the whole nine yards – without feeling like you have to censor yourself.

It goes both ways too. Your partner actually listens when you speak, not just waiting for their turn to talk. They make an effort to see things from your perspective, even if they don't fully agree. It's that mutual understanding and respect that keeps things flowing.

And when disagreements do happen (because let's be real, they're inevitable), you're able to hash it out like adults. No cheap shots, no playing the blame game. Just two people working through their stuff without it turning into World War III. Maturity for the win!

Like this one time, my partner and I were butting heads over something silly. Instead of letting it escalate into a huge blowout fight, we took a breather. Once we'd both calmed down, we circled back and actually listened to each other's sides without judgment. Ended up realizing it was just a misunderstanding, and we were able to resolve it like the mature, communicative bosses we are.

3. You Respect Each Other's Boundaries

Boundaries, my friend, are the backbone of any solid relationship. I'm talking about giving your partner that breathing room when they need some alone time to recharge. We all need our own space sometimes, you know? The mark of a healthy relationship is respecting that, not taking it personally.

It's also about never pressuring your partner into doing something they're not comfy with. Whether it's trying a new activity or even just hanging out with your crew, you let them make that call without any grief. Forcing it is a one-way ticket to Toxicville.

Speaking of individuality, a healthy relationship means supporting each other's growth and interests, even if they're totally different from your own. Maybe your partner is really into crocheting and physics theory - you embrace their passions and encourage them to explore new horizons.

At the end of the day, you're two individuals choosing to be together, not two halves of a whole. Respecting each other's autonomy, quirks and all, is crucial. Like when my partner decided to take up kickboxing - not exactly my thing, but I hyped them up anyway because that's their jam. Small gestures, big meaning.

4. You Celebrate Each Other's Successes

Look, when you really care about someone, their wins become your wins too. It's that simple. In a healthy relationship, you're each other's biggest fans, always ready to cheer the other person on.

Whether it's landing a promotion at work, finally mastering that wicked guitar solo, or just nailing a tricky recipe, you celebrate those successes like they're your own. No jealousy, no downing their accomplishments – just pure, unadulterated stoke.

Watching their face light up with pride? Priceless.

But it's not just about the big milestones. A healthy relationship means supporting each other through all the little challenges too. Offering encouragement when they're feeling defeated, giving them that motivational pep talk when the road gets rocky. You keep each other going.

At the end of the day, you take pride in your partner's accomplishments because their success is your success. It's that whole "team" mentality. Sure, you each have your own identity and aspirations, but you're also each other's ultimate cheerleaders through it all.

5. You Make Time for Each Other (But Also Maintain Individuality)

A healthy relationship is all about that balance - making devoted time for each other, while still nurturing your own identities and interests outside the relationship. It's that yin and yang that keeps the spark alive.

Sure, those quality moments together are priceless. But you're not attached at the hip either. You both have your own friends, hobbies, and passions that make you...well, you. And you enthusiastically support each other in pursuing those individual joys.

Like when your partner wants a guys' night to bro out over beers and video games? You don't bat an eye or give passive-aggressive guilt tripping comments- you know they need that recharge with their crew. And they return the favor when you get that itch to pick up a new craft or venture out for a random woods-hiking adventure. A little me-time is a must.

The key is making sure that your individual lives don't overshadow your couple life. You have to intentionally prioritize bonding activities too. Doesn't have to be fancy - even just a low-key games night at home, cuddled up and talking trash over Monopoly.

It's about give and take, push and pull. At the end of the day, you're choosing to be partners while still being whole individuals. You don't lose yourselves in the relationship - you grow together through striking that balance. Those intersecting venn diagram slices create the happiest, healthiest dynamic.

6. You Grow Together (Individually and as a Couple)

In a truly healthy relationship, growth isn't just encouraged - it's prioritized and celebrated. On both an individual level and as a couple, you're constantly evolving, learning, and leveling up together.

For one, you wholeheartedly cheer each other on as you chase your personal dreams and ambitions. Maybe your partner goes back to school for that career pivot, or you finally take the leap into entrepreneurship. Instead of insecurity or jealousy, there's a swell of genuine excitement as you support each other's paths.

But it's not just about individual pursuits - the healthiest relationships foster growth together too. You enthusiastically take on new challenges and experiences as a duo, constantly expanding your boundaries.

The beauty is that you get to grow as individuals, while your connection and commitment to each other deepen too. Maybe five years ago, you were both in much different life stages with different mindsets. But you've adapted and molded together, creating something resilient that nurtures your unique sparks.

True love isn't stagnant - it's a dance of constant discovery and evolution. When you set that precedent of growth as a non-negotiable, your relationship levels up from a cute fling to a profound, lasting partnership. It's the ultimate reclamation of that corny saying - the couple that grows together, glows together.

7. You Resolve Conflict Constructively

Conflicts happen, even in the healthiest of relationships. It's just a fact of human nature—we're all imperfect people with our own perspectives and quirks. The key isn't avoiding disagreements altogether, but how you approach them as a couple.

In a truly healthy dynamic, you see conflicts as problems to solve together, not battlegrounds where one person has to "win." There's no unproductive finger-pointing or hurtful low blows. Instead, you bring a spirit of empathy, compromise, and willingness to hear each other out.

Contrast that with some unhealthy conflict patterns - stonewalling and shutting down, dragging up past grievances, name-calling and making low blows, or just plain avoiding the issue instead of working through it. Those are recipes for resentment and loneliness, not connection.

At the end of the day, you're a team working towards the same goal - nurturing a loving, honest relationship. The disagreements are just speedbumps to navigate together using compassion as your map. No ego battles are needed.

8. You Feel Happy and Fulfilled

At the end of the day, one of the most telling signs of a healthy relationship is an overwhelming sense of happiness and fulfillment. Not just the fleeting bursts of giddy infatuation, but a deep, soul-nourishing contentment that pervades your life as a couple.

In a thriving partnership, even the most mundane moments sparkle with joy and familiarity. It's the little things, like cozying up on the couch after a long day, trading inside jokes, and basking in each other's presence. Or running errands side-by-side, somehow making the tedium fun through lighthearted banter. You've created a profound sense of home within each other.

But it's more than just feeling happy; it's feeling wholly fulfilled. Your partner supports and amplifies your personal growth, while your bond as a team pushes you both to keep evolving together. You have a soft place to fall during the hard times, but also a launching pad to chase your wildest ambitions.

There's a deep well of respect, admiration, and gratitude for the wonderful humans you've become because of the other's influence. You're free to be beautifully, imperfect yourselves, quirks and all. No facades, no walking on eggshells—just radical acceptance.  

For me, that overwhelming feeling of fulfillment looks like locking eyes with my partner from across a room and smiling uncontrollably, my heart brimming with appreciation for the incredible life we've built. Even the most stressful seasons feel easier to navigate as a unified front.  

I believe that the happiest, healthiest partnerships have this undercurrent of unspeakable contentment. Not because everything is perpetually perfect, but because you've created something profoundly meaningful—a sacred space to live, love, and keep blooming alongside your favorite person.

Ultimately, a healthy relationship is one that lets you flourish - as individuals and as partners. It's a soft place to fall, but also a launchpad to reach new heights, knowing your biggest supporter is by your side every step of the way. By tuning into these subtle yet powerful indicators, you can cultivate the love you both deserve - a bond that is nurturing, empowering and built to thrive.

About the Author

Sheravi Mae Galang

Sheravi Mae Galang is a Content Coordinator for the Couply app. Couply was created to help couples improve their relationships. Couply has over 300,000 words of relationship quizzes, questions, couples games, and date ideas and helps over 400,000 people.

Sheravi enjoys writing and is currently studying at the Cebu Institute of Technology - University for her current pursuit of a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology. You can connect with her through email here.