Facetime sex can be daunting for some people especially if you're not too sure how to do it, but that's why I'm here to help you relax, dive right in and hopefully have the best online sex experience ever. Facetime sex is great to try when your partner is traveling or as a sexy surprise when you're not together, it's so easy to do and makes you want each other even more. Facetime sex is not hard at all, although it can be slightly awkward at times or difficult to get into. It's so easy to speak about how you feel and what your fantasies are. That's literally all you have to do, get all sexy, find a spot to have the call, and then talk the way you would during foreplay or start the call speaking the way you would when you’re at a bar about to leave, whispering sexy statements into each other's ears.

Why Should You Have Facetime Sex?

Facetime sex has always been great for long distance couples and couples where someone is always traveling, but facetime sex became so common and popular during Covid because any couples that didn't live together basically became long distance couples. Couples during Covid had to be very creative to keep their sparks going, the most popular things to do were sexting and facetime sex. Sexting is the easiest and least personal option, it's just nudes and naughty texts, I could do it without a thought while watching TV to be honest. Facetime sex is so much more personal as it’s in real time, you’re seeing each other the whole time and it's so much easier to connect with one another.

Facetime sex has a bad wrap of just masterbating on camera, and what's so wrong with that! Masterbating, especially together, can be such a sexy experience. You and your partner can make it as deep or as casual as you want, that's the fun with facetime sex it's so easy to make it anything you want. Be as loving, as connecting or as filthy, as casual and as meaningless as you want to be, just have fun.

Tips And Tricks to Make Facetime Sex More Fun

Facetime Sex Call

Cameras Can't Lie

Make sure to shave down there, and check everywhere with a mirror if you need to. Cameras show everything so it's best to be prepared! Put on your lingerie and check you like how the camera angles look, and don't forget to tidy up. Wherever you’re having your call, tidy that space up, you don't want them distracted by piles of laundry or a messy couch when you want them focused on you.

Tease them

Build up anticipation at the start of the call, try verbally foreplaying or you could even do a strip tease. Try not to jump right into masterbating, it can be way more awkward and slower to get things heated up on a call than having sex in person so teasing them and creating a sexy energy between the two of you first is the best way to start.

Sexy Outfits

You can't touch each other so everything has to be top tier visually, wear your sexy lingerie, put some stockings on and even heels if you want. You want your outfit to do a lot of the talking, to jump start the heat in your call. You can try dressing up if you want, do some role play over the phone, that's a great way to make the video call as sexy and interesting as possible.

Know your angles

It's hard to know what to do with the camera during facetime sex, so practice beforehand, open your camera and try loads of different angles to see what you like best. You can even find somewhere to prop your phone up so during it you can have the camera aimed at you without you having to hold it.

How to have Facetime Sex?

Have your call in a good location, in your bed, on the sofa, sat back with your camera propped up, any of these are great. Make sure you’re comfy and in a position you can get heated in, and make sure you look your best and your background is working for you.

Toys or your hands? Both or either, choose whatever makes you feel the best. Facetime sex can be exactly the same as you masterbating alone just with the bonus of real time dirty talk or it can be all about looking and feeling sexy for the other person as well as having fun yourself. Do whatever will make the most out of your Facetime sex, it is about enjoying yourself, not just turning on the other person so they can get off, so make sure you're both having as much fun as possible. Use toys if they're what will get you going the best or use your hands, both will turn your partner on, they just want to see you enjoying it.

Facetime Sex can be awkward because it's not as intimate and easy as in person sex so don't be discouraged if things are slow or a little awkward. Try laughing any awkward moments off together, or try fully embracing just you pleasing yourself and everything will fall into place after that.

Since Facetime sex can be awkward sometimes or sometimes you don't know what to say, here are some things you could say during the call to heat things up or just have a bit of dirty talk.

What to say during Facetime Sex?

Facetime Sex Lingerie

Sometimes your mind can go blank when you’re nervous or anxious, or you may just have no idea what to do and say on a Facetime sex call. Don’t worry! It sounds harder than it is, have a read of some ideas of what to say and ideas of how to go about dirty talk on the phone.

Facetime Sex means that you need to talk a lot, describing and moaning is the way to go here, some ideas to read over incase you need some inspiration:

  1. “I can’t stop thinking about how much i want you right now”
  2. “I want to see every inch of your body”
  3. “Tell me about a fantasy you’ve always wanted to try”
  4. “Show me what you like”
  5. “Tell me how you like to be touched”
  6. “I wish i could feel your body against mine right now”
  7. “You look so sexy right now”
  8. “Your (a specific body part) is driving me crazy”
  9. “The things i'd do to you if you were here”
  10. “I wish it was me touching you like that”
  11. “Im so wet right now / Im so hard right now”
  12. “Im so horny for you”
  13. “Do you know what I'd do to you if I had you underneath me right now?”
  14. “I can’t stop touching myself, thinking of you”
  15. “Your body is incredible”
  16. “I get so turned on thinking about your (specific body part)
  17. “Im imagining how it would feel to be inside you right now/ I'm imagining how it would feel to have you inside me right now”
  18. “I'm going to make you come so hard”

Okay you get the jist! If you want some extremely dirty examples just google some, there are thousands of filthy ideas! It’s all about the way you speak, speak slowly and sexily and describe your fantasies, your thoughts and what you're doing.

Ask them to show you them touching themselves, explain what you want them to do and that you wish you were the one doing it. Ask them what you'd be doing if you were in person together, go into detail together over the sex you'd be having and everything you'd be doing together. It's almost like, if there was a script for porn then that's what you should be saying. It's tough to get in the headspace of narrating yourself masterbating but it's easy once you get into it, just remember everything you're doing is 100x hotter if they hear about it as well as see it. The easiest way for you to speak as much as possible is to fantasise about having sex with them and then describe every moment that you think of in extreme detail, the two of you will bounce off each other and really heat the conversation up.

Be Safe on Your Call

It can be intimidating taking your clothes off and being intimate on camera, being wary with who you trust online can also be difficult so just always make sure to be safe and try your best to make sure the person you’re having facetime sex with is trustworthy. If you’re too wary of being screenshotted or screen recorded then you can always have facetime sex without showing anything, you can stay in your lingerie and just have the camera pointed at your face, just let the talking really do all the work! Don't worry, and never do anything you don't want to do, It’s all about having fun!

About the Author

Tegan Confield is a Content Coordinator for the Couply app. Couply was created to help couples improve their relationships. Couply has over 300,000 words of relationship quizzes, questions, couples games and date ideas and helps over 400,000 people.

Tegan Confield is also a Psychology Student, and studying at the University of Stirling.

You can connect with Tegan Confield on LinkedIn here and on Instagram here.