I’m sure you’re familiar with #ThrowbackThursday, but if you’re not, this social media trend involves posting a picture from your past!

The Throwback Thursday date is inspired by this idea, by asking you to look through the pictures and videos taken throughout you and your partner's relationship.

Imagine sitting on the couch with your partner, flipping through the pages of your photo albums, looking at your old photos and videos on your camera roll.

You're both laughing and smiling, and you feel taken back to the happy memories you had together in the past.

That's the power of a Throwback Thursday date night.

With the pictures you find special you will create a digital photo album. 

The Throwback Thursday date is an opportunity for you and your partner to look back on the memories you've created together. To make the most of this date, you can prepare a digital photo album that showcases the special moments you've shared over the course of your relationship. 

Creating a digital photo album is simple and can be done using various platforms such as Google Photos, iCloud, or even a simple PowerPoint presentation. You can go through old pictures and videos, select the ones that hold special meaning, and add them to the album. Add comments to your album so you can talk about why the image is special to you. 

Once the album is complete, you can share it with your partner and reminisce together. Cuddle up on the couch, have some wine if you choose, snacks and all. Use this opportunity to express your feelings, be open and raw with each other.  You can also share the album with friends and family on social media platforms like Facebook, if you're comfortable doing so. But if you'd rather keep it private, that's perfectly fine too. Enjoy a sentimental and nostalgic night together. 

Throwback Thursday date nights are a great way to reconnect with your partner and have some fun. So what are you waiting for? Take a trip down memory lane with your partner now.

Get more custom date ideas for you and your partner just by downloading Couply on Android or Apple now! Couply also offers a variety of relationship questions, couple's quizzes, expert articles, and even games that you and your partner can enjoy together while building a healthier and happier relationship.