Let's dive into ENM relationships – you know, that whole "Ethical Non-Monogamy" thing that's been making waves lately. Trust me, it's not as complicated as it sounds. So, settle in, and let me take you through the basics of this intriguing relationship style.

Decoding ENM: What's the Buzz About?

3 polyamorous people in an ENM relationship

ENM vs Monogamy

So, what's the deal with ENM? It's like traditional monogamy's rebellious cousin. In an ENM relationship, folks consciously choose to explore connections beyond the boundaries of a single, exclusive partnership. It's all about honesty, communication, and everyone being on board.

The Secret to ENM Relationships

The secret sauce in ENM relationships? Communication! Picture it as the navigation system on this relationship rollercoaster. From defining boundaries to discussing feelings, open and honest communication keeps everyone in the loop and ensures a smooth ride.

The ENM Spectrum

ENM isn't a one-size-fits-all scenario. It's a spectrum ranging from polyamory, where individuals have multiple romantic relationships with everyone's knowledge and consent, to open relationships that allow for physical connections outside the primary partnership. It's like choosing from a relationship buffet – pick what suits your taste. Explore some common ENM relationship styles below:

  • Polyamory: Think of it as having multiple committed relationships simultaneously. Love is abundant, and everyone's in the loop.
  • Open Relationships: These involve physical connections outside the primary partnership while maintaining emotional intimacy within. It's like having a passport to explore without straying too far.
  • Swinging: More about recreational sex with others within a couple, keeping the emotional connection exclusive. It's like adding a bit of spice to your relationship.
  • Solo Polyamory: Flying solo in the polyamorous sky, with no primary partner. It's about exploring connections without the need for a relationship anchor.
  • Hierarchical Polyamory: In this setup, relationships are structured hierarchically, with primary, secondary, and tertiary levels, defining the depth of emotional and time investment.
  • Relationship Anarchy: Throw away the rulebook! Relationship anarchists believe in creating connections without predefined expectations or limitations. It's like the ultimate freestyle.

Making ENM Work for You: A User-Friendly Guide

Possible ENM family dinner

1. Establishing Ground Rules

Every good game has rules, right? Same goes for ENM. Sit down with your partners and set some ground rules – what's okay, what's not, and what needs a bit more discussion. It's like creating the playbook for your unique team.

2. Honesty is the Best Policy

Imagine ENM as a house built on trust. Without honesty, that house crumbles. Be transparent about your feelings, desires, and even the occasional jealousy monster. Sharing these things is like putting up sturdy walls that make the relationship fortress strong.

3. Navigating Jealousy

Jealousy is that unexpected pothole on the relationship road. But fear not, my friend, it's normal. Acknowledge it, talk about it, and use it as a GPS guiding you to the root of your feelings. Remember, everyone's navigating this road together.

4. Scheduling Quality Time

In ENM, scheduling becomes an art. Between work, other partners, and life's roller coaster, it's essential to set aside quality time for each relationship. It's like planning a date night with your favorite people – intentional and full of connection.

ENM Relationships in Practice: Learn from the Experts

Relaxed people in an ENM relationship

1. Books on ENM

a. "The Ethical Slut" by Janet W. Hardy and Dossie Easton

Dive into this classic guide that explores the ins and outs of ethical non-monogamy. Hardy and Easton provide practical advice on navigating multiple relationships, emphasizing communication, and embracing a sex-positive perspective.

b. "More Than Two" by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert

Veaux and Rickert delve into the complexities of polyamory in this comprehensive guide. From handling jealousy to creating solid relationship agreements, the book offers valuable insights for those exploring non-monogamous dynamics.

c. "Opening Up" by Tristan Taormino

Taormino's book is a roadmap for anyone considering open relationships. It covers various relationship styles, including polyamory and swinging, offering personal stories, practical tips, and guidance on navigating the diverse landscape of consensual non-monogamy.

2. ENM Content Creators

a. Leanne Yau - polyphiliablog

Leanne Yau is a passionate educator and advocate for ethical non-monogamy, creating content across various social media including tiktok and instagram. Leanne, a therapist in training, shares her experiences, and insights into the world of polyamory, making her a go-to resource for those navigating the waters of consensual non-monogamy.

b. Chad - polyamfam

Chad is another creator that talks about polyamory, trying to build a good community for non-monogamous folks through social media. He shares his experiences and thoughts on various topics in the polyamorous world. If you are interested in ENM, why not take a look at an introductory video, where he shares his journey into polyamory, on his youtube channel here

c. Millie and Nick - deconolizinglove

Millie and Nick are self-described polyamory mentors helping people navigate non-monogamous relationships. They have both been polyamorous for over a decade and work to make love practices more inclusive. DecolonizingLove is their shared account for couples where Millie and Nick both respond to questions about ENM. Find them on tiktok here or ig here.

3. ENM Online Communities

  • Reddit's r/polyamory
  • ENM-specific dating apps like Feeld and OkCupid

4. Professional Guidance on ENM

Seeking advice from therapists specializing in ENM relationships can provide valuable insights and tools to navigate any bumps in the road.

ENM and Society: 10 Common Myths

Four people possibly in a ENM relationship called a quad

1. ENM is just a Phase

Let's squash this one. ENM isn't a rebellious teenage phase. It's a legitimate, consensual relationship choice that works for many. It's about recognizing that love and connections come in various forms, and that's okay.

2. ENM is All About Casual Sex

Sure, some ENM relationships include physical connections, but it's not the sole focus. Emotional connections, deep bonds, and genuine relationships are at the core. It's about creating meaningful connections on your own terms.

3. ENM Means a Lack of Commitment

Absolutely not. ENM relationships are built on commitment – commitment to honesty, communication, and respecting each other's boundaries. It's not about commitment to one person; it's about committing to a healthy, consensual relationship dynamic.

4. ENM is All About Constant Orgies

Let's clear this up – ENM isn't a never-ending party with constant orgies. While physical connections can be part of it, it's not the sole focus. ENM relationships are about meaningful connections, emotional bonds, and consensual exploration.

5. ENM is a Convenient Way to Cheat

Nope, not true. ENM is all about transparency and consent. It's the opposite of sneaking around – it's an open dialogue where everyone involved is on the same page. Cheating is a no-go; communication is the cornerstone.

6. ENM is for People Who Can't Commit

Absolutely not. ENM relationships require a high level of commitment – not to one person exclusively, but to open communication, trust, and respecting boundaries. It's about choosing a different path, not avoiding commitment altogether.

7. ENM is Just for Sexually Liberated Folks

ENM welcomes all kinds of folks, whether you're exploring physically, emotionally, or both. It's not limited to the sexually adventurous – it's a spectrum where individuals define their unique journey, irrespective of their level of sexual exploration.

8. ENM Is a Trendy Lifestyle Choice

ENM isn't a passing trend. It's a relationship style that's been around for a long time and continues to gain recognition. People choose ENM because it aligns with their values and desires, not because it's the latest fad.

9. ENM Always Leads to Drama

Drama is not a mandatory side dish with ENM. Like any relationship, it depends on the people involved. Healthy communication, clear boundaries, and mutual respect can significantly reduce the drama factor.

10. ENM Means You're Never Jealous

Surprise, surprise – people in ENM relationships can experience jealousy too! The difference lies in how they navigate and address it. Acknowledging and discussing jealousy is part of the journey, proving that ENM relationships are not immune to this common emotion.

ENM relationship during the holidays

So, there you have it – a crash course on ENM relationships. It's like embarking on a journey with a compass, a roadmap, and the excitement of discovering uncharted territories of love. Remember, ENM is all about consensual exploration, open communication, and building connections that align with your unique desires. So, go ahead, be bold, and enjoy the adventure!


Q1: What exactly is ENM?

ENM, or Ethical Non-Monogamy, is a relationship approach that goes beyond traditional monogamy. It includes various relationship styles like polyamory, open relationships, swinging, solo polyamory, hierarchical polyamory, and relationship anarchy. The common thread? Ethical and consensual exploration of multiple connections.

Q2: How do you handle jealousy in ENM relationships?

Jealousy is normal in any relationship, ENM included. The key is open communication. Treat jealousy as your GPS to the core of your feelings, dissect it, and use it to strengthen your connections.

Q3: Can ENM relationships be committed and serious?

Absolutely! Contrary to myths, ENM is built on commitment – commitment to honesty, communication, and respecting each other's boundaries. It's not about commitment to one person; it's about committing to a healthy, consensual relationship dynamic.

Q4: Is ENM for everyone?

ENM isn't one-size-fits-all. It's about what works for you and your partners. Some people thrive in traditional monogamy, while others find fulfillment in the diverse landscape of ENM. It's a personal journey

Q5: How do I find like-minded individuals interested in ENM?

ENM content creators, online communities, and ENM-specific dating apps are excellent places to connect with like-minded individuals. Remember to be clear about your expectations and communicate openly.